1715 Fleet (1715)
Shipwreck coins from the 1715 Fleet are a captivating part of maritime and numismatic history. These coins, predominantly Spanish silver reales and gold escudos, were part of a treasure-laden fleet that sank off the coast of Florida during a hurricane in July 1715. Bound for Spain, the fleet carried immense wealth from the New World, much of which remained submerged for centuries. Salvaged coins from the wreck are often encrusted with coral and sea patina, preserving their story of loss and rediscovery. Valued for their historical significance and connection to a bygone era of exploration and trade, 1715 Fleet shipwreck coins are coveted artifacts for collectors and enthusiasts alike.
- Colonial Gold
Colonial Gold(3.32g) Philip V Crosslet End Cross
Colonial Gold(3.36g) Philip V Crosslet End Cross
Colonial Gold(3.43g) Philip V Crosslet End Cross
- Colonial Gold