World Numismatics and Mexican Coin Company are located in Carefree, Arizona and owned by Kent Ponterio, Max Keech, and Cory Frampton. The principals of the company are recognized experts in world numismatics with many years of experience and have published numerous books and articles on a variety of subjects.
We are a leading buyer and seller of World, Ancient, Mexican and Latin American coins and currency and we stock one of the largest inventories of these items in the world. Our primary focus is on high quality material and rarities. Our inventory consists of more than a thousand certified coins and thousands of notes. New products are added weekly.
We attend many of the major shows, including FUN, NYINC, Long Beach, ANA, Central States, Baltimore, USMEX and others.
Our office is open from 9am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday.

Max is a leading expert in Mexican War for Independence coinage and extremely knowledgeable in a variety of other areas including Latin American type coins and Mexican Republic gold coins.
Max’s expertise includes rarities from most other nations of the world.

Cory is a specialist in Mexican Paper Money and in 2010 authored, and our company published, the definitive work on the subject, Mexican Paper Money.
Cory has extensive knowledge in a variety of other areas of Mexican coinage and especially enjoys assisting customers in assembling collections of high grade Mexican type coins.

Kent Ponterio is well known throughout the numismatic community for his writing, published articles and affiliation with various renowned numismatic organizations. Over the past three decades Kent has worked for some of the largest companies in the industry, including Ponterio & Associates (1993-2008), Bowers and Merena (2008-2010) and most recently Stacks Bowers Galleries (2010-2015) where he served as senior numismatist and consignment director of world and ancient coins. Kent’s knowledge of Mexican, Latin American and World Numismatics is the perfect fit for our company. Kent is currently an officer of the U.S. Mexican Numismatics Association where he publishes regular articles and has conducted lectures at the annual conventions.
Over the years Kent has expanded his knowledge into fields of European and Asian numismatics as well as ancient Greek and Roman coins. He makes regular trips to Europe and Asia each year and will continue to do so as a member and owner of this firm. It is our goal over the next year, to expand our numismatic offerings into these fields, becoming a full service world numismatic firm.

Emily has been with World Numismatics since February, 2015. She brings a vast amount of knowledge of accounting, finance and inventory management to our company. Working on day to day activities, Emily provides a fresh perspective to our operations and has helped streamline our business processes with her knowledge. Emily is a native of Ohio and has lived in Arizona with her husband since July, 2011.
We are members of the following trade associations:
International Association of Professional Numismatists
Professional Numismatists Guild
Professional Currency Dealers Association
American Numismatic Association
International Bank Note Society Member
Numismatic Guaranty Corporation Authorized Dealer
Professional Coin Grading Service Authorized Dealer