Ancient Coins
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Roman RepublicConcordia/trophy betw Paullus & Perseus w/sons
ByzantineAD 654-668 rv Heraclius & Tiberius w/cross-potent
ByzantineAD 613-641 Constantinople rv cross potent on steps
Ciliciaobv Aphrodite & Eros rv Dionysus hldg grapes
MacedoniaMacedon, Olynthus obv Apollo rv cithara
- Roman Imperial
- Roman Imperial
Roman ImperialSerdica Perhaps issue of Galerius
- Roman Imperial
- Roman Imperial
Lucaniaobv Athena rv bull butting; fish
Celticobv male head;rv chariot ex. Tresor du piolaine
Calabriaobv rider dismounts rv Taras(?) on dolphin
Calabriaobv horseman crowns horse rv Taras(?) on dolphin
Calabriaobv rideer w/spears+shield rv Taras(?) on dolphin
Celticobv Artemis rv incuse of obverse type
Roman Republicobv Apollo rv Marsyas at column
Roman ImperialLaodicea rv Securitas stg
Sicilyobv Nymph(?) rv six pellets in wreath
- Roman Imperial