Roman Imperial
Roman Imperial coins are an enduring legacy of the vast Roman Empire, showcasing its rulers, culture, and historical milestones. Struck between 27 BCE and the fall of the Western Empire in 476 CE, these coins feature portraits of emperors and empresses on the obverse, with reverses depicting deities, military victories, or significant public works. Minted in gold (aureus), silver (denarius), and bronze (sestertius and as), these coins were not only tools of commerce but also powerful propaganda, reinforcing the emperor’s image and authority across the empire. Highly prized by collectors, Roman Imperial coins provide a tangible connection to one of history’s greatest civilizations, offering insights into its economy, politics, and art.
Roman ImperialRome rv Nero w/lyre, as Apollo Citharoedus
Roman Imperialyr.29 (AD 188/89) rv Pharos & galley
Roman ImperialEphesus (?) rv temple w/Diana of Ephesus statue
Roman ImperialLugdunum c.15-13BC rv bull butting
- Roman Imperial
Roman Imperialrv Diana Lucifera w/torch
- Roman Imperial
Roman ImperialLugdunum rv Tiberius in quadriga
- Roman Imperial
- Roman Imperial
Roman ImperialAugustus or Gaius Caesar/candelabrum
Roman ImperialNicomedia rv Jupiter stg
- Roman Imperial
- Roman Imperial
- Roman Imperial
- Roman Imperial
- Roman Imperial
Roman Imperialobv facing military bust, rv Victory w/long cross
Roman Imperialsecond reign, rv Victory w/long cross
Roman Imperialsecond reign, rv Victory w/long cross