Ancient Coins
Ancient coins offer a captivating window into the economic, cultural, and artistic legacy of antiquity. Greek coins, renowned for their intricate designs, often depicted gods, heroes, and city emblems, reflecting the richness of Hellenic culture. Roman coins, ranging from the Republic to the Empire, showcased emperors, military victories, and monumental architecture, serving as propaganda tools and currency. Byzantine coins, primarily in gold and bronze, carried Christian iconography and imperial portraits, bridging classical and medieval art. Celtic coins, with their abstract and often symbolic designs, reveal the ingenuity and independence of these ancient tribes.
Roman Imperialobv Nero+etched monogram rv emperor spears foe
Caria, Islands Offobv Helios 3/4-facing rv rose in bloom; wreath
Atticaobv Athena rv owl, olive spray, moon
Macedonian Kingsearly posthumous issue obv Heracles rv Zeus
Phoeniciayr.64 (63/2 BC) Melkart/eagle on prow
Phoeniciayr.161 (AD 35/6) Melkart/eagle on prow
Phoeniciauncertain year after 19BC Melkart/eagle on prow
Ptolemaic Kingdomobv Zeus-Ammon rv eagle w/cornucopia at shoulder
Lucaniaobv barley ear rv obverse type incuse
Atticaobv Athena rv owl, live spray, moon
Otherobv Pegasus rv Athena, Eros (?)
Byzantineobv facing military bust rv Victory hldg P-cross
Roman Imperialsecond reign AD 476-491 rv Victory w/long cross
Roman Imperatorialc46BBC A.Hirtius praetor Pietas-Vesta/implements
Ioniaobv bee rv forepart of stag; palm tree behind
CorinthiaPegasus/Athena; eagle rv Athena; thyrsus
Phoeniciayr.161 (AD35/6) Melkart/eagle on prow
Byzantineobv Christ stg; stars rv Manuel & St Theodore
Byzantineobv Christ std rv Constantine X stg
- Roman Imperial