Ancient Coins
Ancient coins offer a captivating window into the economic, cultural, and artistic legacy of antiquity. Greek coins, renowned for their intricate designs, often depicted gods, heroes, and city emblems, reflecting the richness of Hellenic culture. Roman coins, ranging from the Republic to the Empire, showcased emperors, military victories, and monumental architecture, serving as propaganda tools and currency. Byzantine coins, primarily in gold and bronze, carried Christian iconography and imperial portraits, bridging classical and medieval art. Celtic coins, with their abstract and often symbolic designs, reveal the ingenuity and independence of these ancient tribes.
Roman Republicobv Roma rv Victory in biga
Byzantineobv Christ std rv Constantine X stg
Byzantineobv facing bust rv Angel hldg P-cross
Macedonian Kingsissue of Seleucus I obv Heracles rv Zeus
Roman Imperatorial41BC M. Barbatius Pollio obv Antony rv Octavian
Macedonian Kingsissue of Seleucus I obv Athena rv Nike stg
Roman ImperialRome rv Nero w/lyre, as Apollo Citharoedus
Roman Imperialyr.29 (AD 188/89) rv Pharos & galley
Roman ImperialEphesus (?) rv temple w/Diana of Ephesus statue
Macedonian Kingsrv eagle on fulmen in oak wreath
Caria, Islands Offobv Dionysus rv Nike advancing over rose
ByzantineAD 813-820 Syracuse obv Leo V rv Constantine
- Byzantine
Byzantineobv facing consular bust rv cross potent on steps
Roman ImperialLugdunum c.15-13BC rv bull butting
Roman Republicobv Roma rv Sol in quadriga
- Roman Imperial
Roman Imperialrv Diana Lucifera w/torch
Thraceobv Alexander III rv Athena hldg Nike
Pamphyliaobv hoplite w/sword+shield rv triskeles