Mexican Paper Money – 2015 Edition



The currency market has changed enough over the past several years to warrant the publication of a new edition. We will spend the next six months gathering data and publish the 2015 edition late this year.

I am very pleased that Alberto Hidalgo, Duane Douglas and Elmer Powell will join me once again in editing the 2015 edition. Further, Huston Pearson will join us to expand the book and add detailed coverage of the 20th century issues.

The 2015 edition will be published in a digital version only. Our decision to go digital only is purely economic as the hardcover color 2010 edition was incredibly expensive to produce and print. We will consider printing hard copies for the 2020 edition.

Effective immediately, we will be reducing the price of the 2010 book and offering a pre-release discount. We are offering a copy of the 2010 hardcover book together with the 2015 edition on disc for a total of $70 plus $5 shipping. The book will ship immediately and the disc will be mailed when finished. The discount will end and prices will be higher when the 2015 edition is released.


While the 2010 Edition fulfilled its ambition to become the authoritative listing of all Mexican paper money, there were omissions and some duplications and errors did creep in. Please help us by telling us about any mistakes you have noticed.

For notes already in the book, I would appreciate information about additional dates, series letters and overprints. I would also like to expand the historical descriptions about issuers and specific issues. I also want to improve the catalog by adding:

  • 1. Images where no image is currently shown.
  • 2. Color images to replace existing black and white images.
  • 3. Images of high grade issued notes to replace specimen images.
  • 4. Images of notes that are higher grade than those currently in the catalog.
  • 5. Images and information on newly discovered notes.

Ideally, images should be digital scans at 300dpi or higher in tif or jpeg formats.

As to values, pricing is always difficult but the objective is to provide realistic market prices based on auctions, dealers’ sales and private transactions. There will always be sales both below and above catalog prices. We will be updating a significant percentage of the values.

I want to thank you in advance for your assistance.

Cory Frampton
Mexican Coin Company
PO Box 5270
Carefree Arizona 85377
Cell 602-228-9331


  • Current Pricing
  • 2500 Color Images
  • Hundreds of New Listings
  • Hard Cover
  • Over 400 Pages
  • Next Edition will be in 2015
